Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Assignment One - Lesson One

We've been given a digital imagery manipulation assignment based on the theme of avatars. The criteria is one closeup and a full body digital image, using a collection of images and photographs and combining and altering them together in Photoshop.

The reason I choose to undertake this course, Digital Media, was to further enhance my Digital Manipulation skills to benefit myself as a Photographer. In doing this I feel that my image will be directed towards a more realism approach or perhaps surreal. I feel my style would also work better with a surreal image rather than a quirky or artistic collage.

I started my ideas early, and used a photograph in which I shot in the studio with low key lighting and a backdrop as the main layer in the manipulation. This was used for both the full body and the close up, as it was such a high quality image I could crop it fairly small and still have enough pixels to print out to A5 at 300dpi.

DPI/PPI = Dots Per Inch / Pixels Per Inch.
To print out professionally you usually don't want any less than 240 dpi, unless it is a soft focus image or maybe just light trails.
240 - 300 dpi, is high definition.

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